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Coal Wage Theft?


 Coal Workers Justice 

 Information for Coal Miners

Are you a victim of what One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts says is wage theft? (Australian Senate 7 Feb 2024)

If you’re a casual coal miner employed by a labour hire firm you could be owed around $150,000 or more.

We will assess how much you are likely owed and lodge your information.

A major report announced in the Australian Parliament details that miners in the black coal sector in the Hunter Valley and Southern Queensland are victims of large-scale wage theft. The average wage theft is reported as around $32,000 a year.

The Australian Government is required to investigate underpayments and to "facilitate reimbursement". See more here.

IWUA is a truly independent workers union.

IWUA will:

  • Undertake a confidential assessment of how much you are likely to have been underpaid.
  • Provide you a personal statement of how much you are likely owed
  • Lodge and register your claim for reimbursement
  • Follow through to chase your claim with the ombudsman.*


Read the PDF of his speech here.

First claims lodged: 

  • $121, 000 (Hunter NSW)
  • $104, 000 (QLD)
  • $85, 000  (QLD)

For more information, read here.

 Find Out What You Could Be Owed By Completing The Form Below Or Click Join Now 


The Independent Workers Union of Australia (IWUA and/or IWUA LTD) is a professional association. IWUA Inc is an industrial association whose principal purpose is to protect and promote the interests of members in matters concerning their employment or professional engagement. No membership fees are used to support any political party (including the ALP), so we are able to source and/or provide representation for all members, on all issues, better than our competitors.

           (07) 3497 5071
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