IWUA | News

IWUA Case Win #1334: Termination Prevented

Written by IWUA | Feb 17, 2023 1:51:35 AM

Taking sick leave due to a serious medical condition is a stressful situation for anyone to be in. The added worry of potentially losing one's job while being unable to work only adds to an already difficult and trying time.

Sadly this was the case for one of our members. She was hoping to recover and return to work at the end of the year. However, to her shock, she received a letter threatening termination of employment. 

Understandably, she was very concerned and distressed. She contacted IWUA for assistance, and a case manager was quickly assigned to her case.

The case manager helped the member prepare a response and provided guidance and support throughout the process. Working with our member and corresponding with her employer to provide information and medical evidence to support her case, ensuring that her rights were protected and that she was treated fairly.

After a few weeks, the employer agreed to withdraw the threat of termination, allowing our member to focus on their recovery without the added stress of losing her job.

This case highlights the importance of having a union that puts members first. Our case manager provided compassion, invaluable assistance, and ensured that the member's rights were protected.

It is important for all workers to know their rights and to have the support of a union when facing challenging situations in the workplace. We are dedicated to providing this support and advocacy to all our members, ensuring that they are treated fairly and with respect in the workplace.

Why is the IWUA different? We believe that real change in workforce STARTS with empowering workers, not bureaucrats. 

If you are a member of IWUA and need assistance with a notice to show cause or termination, please submit a member support ticket on your dashboard, or contact us on (07) 3497 5071 - hotline@iwua.asn.au

To find out more about IWUA and become protected today visit: https://iwua.redunion.com.au/