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When Gender Equality Becomes Unsafe

The concept of gender equality and ‘closing the pay gap’ has taken on a different meaning from what might have been its intended pursuit. Rather than valuing the different but equally important contributions both men and women make in the workplace, companies and organisations have created objectives aiming to highlight their dedication to equality, through hiring practices that have inadvertently led to safety concerns within the workplace.

IWUA Case Win #1378: IWUA’s $60,000 Victory in the The Battle for Sick Leave & WorkCover

How the IWUA Defends Sick Leave Rights for Employees

As workers, we all have the right to rely on...

IWUA Case Win #1363: IWUA Helps Member Reclaim LSL Entitlements

When Employers Don't Play Fair, IWUA Helps You Get What You Deserve

As an employee, long service...

IWUA Case Win #1359: IWUA EBA Negotiations

EBA negotiations win big increases for IWUA members 

When enterprise bargaining negotiations begin...

IWUA Case Win #1345: Coles Backs Down on Mandates - IWUA Upholds Workers Rights

In a major victory for workers' rights, Coles has amended its employment policy to no longer...

IWUA Case Win #1341: $19,000 WIN - Unfair Dismissal Settlement

Being asked to show cause is a stressful experience for any employee.It's even more difficult when...

IWUA Case Win #1334: Termination Prevented

Taking sick leave due to a serious medical condition is a stressful situation for anyone to be in....

IWUA Case Win #1315: Underpayment Resolved

A Victorian member of IWUA had a suspicion: that they might have been underpaid by their employer,...