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Recent news from the IWUA community. Follow to stay up-to-date on everything that matters to Australian Workers.

Case Win: $25,000 Maternity Leave Victory

Advocacy & Support for Members

Maternity rights are non-negotiable and must be upheld with utmost respect and compliance.

RUSH Founder Graeme Haycroft on 4CA Cairns

Graeme Haycroft, founder of Red Unions and Local Action Australia, criticized unions' political...

Coal Wage Theft

Get your assessment done and lodged here. 

Coal Justice: First Claims Lodged

On 31 May 2024 IWUA lodged the first underpayment claims with the Fair WorkOmbudsman. The FWO has...

When Gender Equality Becomes Unsafe

The concept of gender equality and ‘closing the pay gap’ has taken on a different meaning from what...

It's Time We Thank the Men!

Recognizing and supporting the men in our society is crucial. We must move towards recognizing and...

IWUA Case Win #1378: IWUA’s $60,000 Victory in the The Battle for Sick Leave & WorkCover

How the IWUA Defends Sick Leave Rights for Employees

As workers, we all have the right to rely on...

IWUA Case Win #1363: IWUA Helps Member Reclaim LSL Entitlements

When Employers Don't Play Fair, IWUA Helps You Get What You Deserve

As an employee, long service...

IWUA Case Win #1359: IWUA EBA Negotiations

EBA negotiations win big increases for IWUA members 

When enterprise bargaining negotiations begin...

IWUA Case Win #1345: Coles Backs Down on Mandates - IWUA Upholds Workers Rights

In a major victory for workers' rights, Coles has amended its employment policy to no longer...