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1 min read

Case Win: $15,000 Pay Dispute Victory

Advocacy & Support for Members

Sarah, a dedicated member in the NDIS community and a member of the IWUA, felt she was being underpaid according to the award that governed her employment. 

Confirmed by a call with Fair Work, Sarah raised this with her employer however she received resistance and refusal from them to rectify the situation. 

Feeling unsupported, Sarah turned to IWUA. 

The matter went to a jurisdictional dispute in the Fairway commission where Sarah was represented by a Red Union industrial officer. 

Sarah emerged victorious in the jurisdictional dispute against her employer. Her general protection complaint progressed. 

Seeking to resolve the dispute without the need for a full legal hearing, an out of court settlement was taken. 

The support and advocacy of the IWUA resulted in Sarah receiving $15,000

Why is the IWUA different? We believe that real change in workforce STARTS with empowering workers, not bureaucrats. 

If you are a member of IWUA and need assistance with sick leave or a WorkCover application, please submit a Member Support Form on your Dashboard. You contact us on (07) 3497 5071 - hotline@iwua.asn.au

To find out more about IWUA and become protected today visit: https://iwua.redunion.com.au/

The name of the member in this article has been changed for confidentiality reasons.