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Recent news from the IWUA community. Follow to stay up-to-date on everything that matters to Australian Workers.

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Case Win: $25,000 Maternity Leave Victory

Advocacy & Support for Members

Maternity rights are non-negotiable and must be upheld with utmost...

When Gender Equality Becomes Unsafe

The concept of gender equality and ‘closing the pay gap’ has taken on a different meaning from what...

It's Time We Thank the Men!

Recognizing and supporting the men in our society is crucial. We must move towards recognizing and...

IWUA Case Win #1378: IWUA’s $60,000 Victory in the The Battle for Sick Leave & WorkCover

How the IWUA Defends Sick Leave Rights for Employees

As workers, we all have the right to rely on...

IWUA Case Win #1363: IWUA Helps Member Reclaim LSL Entitlements

When Employers Don't Play Fair, IWUA Helps You Get What You Deserve

As an employee, long service...

IWUA Case Win #1359: IWUA EBA Negotiations

EBA negotiations win big increases for IWUA members 

When enterprise bargaining negotiations begin...

IWUA Case Win #1345: Coles Backs Down on Mandates - IWUA Upholds Workers Rights

In a major victory for workers' rights, Coles has amended its employment policy to no longer...

IWUA Case Win #1341: $19,000 WIN - Unfair Dismissal Settlement

Being asked to show cause is a stressful experience for any employee.It's even more difficult when...

IWUA Case Win #1334: Termination Prevented

Taking sick leave due to a serious medical condition is a stressful situation for anyone to be in....

Campaign Update - Coles: Stop the Discrimination!

IWUA has had an overwhelming response and support in drawing attention to this issue and we would...